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Sara Ross is Keynote Speaker, Leadership Strategist and is the Chief Vitality Officer at BrainAMPED. Looking through the lens of leadership, Sara is on a mission to translate the science of vitality, emotional intelligence and resilience to transform the way people succeed at work and thrive in life.
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The Empathy Tax
The frustrating challenge women are facing in the workforce I was recently invited to speak on a panel discussing the pandemic's impact on the future of work. As part of an all-women panel, I shouldn't have been surprised when the host opened the conversation with the...
The Power of a Resilience Resume
Better yet, a Warrior Resume What's on your resilience resume? For most people in North America, this week marks the first anniversary of the pandemic changing our lives. It started with disbelief, upheaval, and constant change and progressed to the monotony of...
If You Are Going To Say No To A Request, Here Is The Best Way.
Working on a book has meant I have needed to regularly remind myself of this. And I'm not going to lie, putting it in the context of pizza always makes me smile while also making it an easier reality to accept. If you often find yourself overcommitted, here are three...